Make Your Listing Look it's Best!
Before your real estate listing is ready to go on the market, you are going to need beautiful photographs that capture the feeling of the property at it's absolute best.
Here are some things you, or the property owner can do prior to the real estate photographers arrival.
Clean but More Importantly De-clutter:
Make sure the listing has been cleaned thoroughly. Most important surfaces include:
Windows and Mirrors: Spots on glass surfaces are one of the hardest things to fix in image editing, but one of the easiest surfaces to clean.
Floors and Walls: Sweep and mop, or vacuum floors. Use a carpet rake on carpets to remove lines and indentations if furniture has been moved.
Remove all dust from walls and base boards. Hide cable connections and wiring as much as possible.
Yard and Exteriors: Sweep all walkways and rake landscape. Even if the landscape of your listing isn't perfect, a quick drag of the rake works wonders on gravel and dirt landscapes.
Clean the exterior of the home and touch up paint if needed. Make sure there are no piles of leaves or debris on the roof. Replace any bulbs that aren't working on porches and landscape.
If possible hide garbage and recycling cans out of view. Garden hoses should be coiled nicely or hidden.
De-Clutter: This is the most important preparation you can make to help your photographer concentrate on great photography instead of moving clutter around for each photo.
Clear all counter tops, tables and vanities of anything that is not a clean piece of architectural design. All paperwork, magazines, cleaning supplies, soap dispensers, tissue boxes, or other
"personal use items" should be hidden in a cabinet or drawer.
Scheduling a Photo Shoot:
Sometimes you have no choice but to be in a hurry to list a property. There are plenty of photographers that will do quick, cheap and ugly listing photos.
This will not help you anymore than snapping a few shots from your phone. Most professional photographers will be willing to move your property to the front of the line
for a small fee, but try to give them a 48 hour turnaround.
When scheduling your shoot, be specific as to what you are looking for in the listing. Be sure to communicate the "highlights" of the property to your photographer
so they will be sure to capture these areas in the best light.
Pick the best time of day for your listing, ask your photographer what they suggest a good start/end time would be. They will be in tune with the sunrise/set times.
Plan on early morning or evening times for your shoots, mid-day is very rarely a good option in architectural photography.
Day of the Photo Shoot:
When arriving for the photo shoot, park your car out of sight of the camera (not in front of the house) and inform the home owners to do the same.
If it is possible, hide pets (and their toys) in a room temporarily during the shoot.
Double check the items on the cleaning and de-clutter list.
When your photographer arrives it will most likely be their first time at the property. Point out the "highlights" to them when they arrive.
Checking off these items will help you improve your #1 marketing tool, Your Listing Photographs!
A good real estate photographer will spend the time communicating and building a relationship with their realtors.
They will take time to capture the feeling of your listing instead of documenting a space.
Great listing photos will capture your clients eye and bring them through a property that they will have to see for themselves!
Visit my Website for examples of my real estate photography.
Stay tuned for more real estate photography tips!
Tyler Kinzer Photography, Inc.
Tucson, AZ
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